Thursday, November 15, 2012


 STELLA is a programme under ISEE SYSTEMS that offers a practical way to dynamically visualize and communicate how complex systems and ideas really work. It is a fantastic simulation programme that allows users to test and repeat processes and the corresponding results, without having to go through tedious preparation efforts and saves plenty of time.

            Users can use STELLA to simulate a system over time, jump the gap between theory and the real world, enable students and teachers to creatively change systems, teach students to look for relationships between the parameters and to clearly communicate system inputs and outputs and demonstrate outcomes. Its key features include mapping and modeling, simulation and analysis, and communication.

Some helpful diagrams we can see in the software, ranging from simple to complex.

Body decaying process

Feedback loop of the Newtonian standard model

Rock cycle
My coming post will be on the assignment I did using STELLA. Trust me, it's just awesome!